Life lesson

Feeling burnt out?

How are you all doing? Like many people you may be feeling a wee bit burnt out after the last couple of years. Unless of course you have bounced through everything with joy and laughter, in which case, more power to you my friends! However, I suspect that for many peeps, it has been a slog all the way through.

Life lesson

Reflections about anxiety

We all need some stress to keep us on our toes but too much is damaging in all sorts of ways. Sometimes, just becoming aware of our stress is a good start. Hand in hand with stress often walks anxiety, surely an unpleasant experience almost all of us have had from time to time.

A rainbow tree drawing

How are you doing?

Hi everyone It’s Mental Health Awareness Week in NZ, so it’s a great time to take stock of how we’re doing mentally and emotionally. Are we ok? Are our friends and family ok? Try and pay attention to how you are feeling this week and also check in with loved ones to see how they […]



Softly ask yourself how things are going Peacefully reflect on progress so far Calmly decide where to from here Adjust your course and go And keep going On. (Janine Scott)


Hello Autumn!

A magnificent and fiery Autumn sunset. Here in NZ we are into Autumn. Things are chilling down and blankies and socks are coming out. It’s a great time to think about self-care and well-being. What are you doing to take care of yourself?


Our Spring Project

Hi everyone This Spring, we wish for you: • Wellness • Peace & balance • Sunshine • A happy life • Health • Colour • Love • Time in nature • Beautiful landscapes • Find your purpose • Seize your opportunities Take care and be kind to each other Janine [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpH6-7VfzuQ?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0&w=560&h=315]


Thoughts for August

Hi everyone It’s that interesting time of the year isn’t it – not the beginning, the middle or the end. For many people, fatigue has started to set in big time. Here in the Southern Hemisphere we’re coming out of winter, slightly paler, perhaps a bit grumpy and asking where has the year gone! It’s […]

Self Help

Put your own oxygen mask on first

Hi everyone Being at the top of a mountain can take your breath away – the view, the spectacular panorama, the feeling of literally being on top of the world. The higher you go though, the less oxygen is available as the air gets thinner, and without oxygen we’re in big trouble! It makes me […]