An angry man shouting online on the internet.
Social responsibility

Choosing kindness in the digital age

The internet is full of opportunities to engage with diverse perspectives. While disagreements are inevitable, it’s possible to debate ideas without turning into a keyboard warrior. By choosing kindness and empathy, we can create spaces where thoughtful discussions thrive, even when opinions differ.

A modern take on the thinker statue made of string.
Personal Stories

What if you’re wrong?

Critical thinking involves examining things carefully, asking questions, considering different perspectives, and making logical sense of it all. It’s a skill that helps us navigate life’s challenges, make sound decisions, and solve problems effectively.

Young girl building a stack of coloured pencils.
Life lesson

Procrastination: More than just laziness

Procrastination is deeply tied to how we handle emotions like fear, self-doubt, and overwhelm. It’s a long-term challenge that requires more than a simple trick or technique. Some days, breaking tasks down helps. Other days, it’s about giving yourself permission to take imperfect steps forward and being kind to yourself when progress feels slow.

Life lesson

Can one person make a difference?

Hi everyone How is your existential angst today? I jest… but for many the crisis of the last few years has surfaced a sense of discomfort and anxiety about the meaning of life, as big crises often do. When life goes topsy turvy, people ask themselves questions like: • What is it all about? • […]


The Golden Rule

I’m not a religious person but the quote, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” has always been a favourite of mine. It’s known as the Golden Rule for good reason, and it encourages reciprocity. It’s an important maxim to keep in mind when interacting with other people on social media. […]

An abstract view of an iceberg under a dark sky in an inky black sea.

What lies beneath?

Remember the Titanic, a doomed ship and a tragic love story. The ship undone by a hulking iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean – Jack and Rose, the unwitting victims of the rigid social divide of a 1912 society. Rest in Peace Jack. Nice work on the acting front DiCaprio and Winslet. What a tearjerker […]

Life lesson

Feeling burnt out?

How are you all doing? Like many people you may be feeling a wee bit burnt out after the last couple of years. Unless of course you have bounced through everything with joy and laughter, in which case, more power to you my friends! However, I suspect that for many peeps, it has been a slog all the way through.