So long 2020 – musings on a new year

Hi everyone

Congratulations, you made it to the end of 2020. Phew, it’s been a doozy friends, but here we are, and a new year is upon us – hello 2021. I wonder what kind of year you will be?

I think we can all agree that 2020 was a year that tested everyone in different ways. Hell, it kicked ass here and there. We don’t know what 2021 will bring but my hope is that it will be kind to you, and that the year brings a sharpness of focus, a strength of spirit and a resolute heart.

Hopefully, you have arrived at this end point relatively OK, without a major drinking problem and with your sense of humour intact. We will be talking about this year for a long time won’t we. Parents will no doubt speak about it to their children, and even perhaps grandchildren. Teachers will share their thoughts with their students, and historians, their theories with the next generations.

However, I think that the best use of our valuable headspace at this point is to mull over those nuggets of wisdom that have surfaced from our experience of 2020. Perhaps it would benefit us to use whatever positive insights we can glean from the whole rickety year and turn those into an aspirational outlook for 2021. Now that’s a goal to get behind for sure!

What things have you learnt that will be taken into 2021?

Here is a selection of my ideas that may stand you in good stead as you navigate the path forward:

1. Life is short so make the most of it now

If this past year has taught us nothing else, one thing we should be aware of by now is how short life really is. Things can change just like that! One day we are here and then poof, we are out of here. The good news is that at this moment we are still alive. This isn’t to be flippant or negative about life, but it can be taken away from us at any time and we should use that awareness to make our lives what we would want them to be.

What will you do this year to acknowledge this fact?

Don’t delay doing that thing you always wanted to do. Do it now if you can or plan how you can start working towards it. Say what you want to say, go after that big goal you want. Dream your dreams and then go for it! What have you got to lose by trying? Don’t waste time on the stuff that isn’t important and focus on what is. This is the time to do it and I encourage you to take risks and back yourself to achieve your vision for yourself.

2. Tell loved ones how you feel

This is an uncomfortable topic but one that nevertheless needs to be broached. How often do we hear people say that they wished they had told a loved one how they felt about them before they died? This is especially true when someone is lost suddenly without any warning. It is even worse if the last words between those people were harsh and unloving.

It is not something that people like to think about, but death can be swift, and this year has shown us in stark relief just how quickly we can lose those close to us. Don’t waste time on petty disagreements. Tell people how you feel about them and try to let go of any anger or hurts that are bubbling beneath the surface. If you can clear the air, try and do so because regrets are painful and can cause a lot of problems for people psychologically. Say what you want to say now and let people know how you feel. This is important.

3. We are resilient

The human spirit is incredible. Here we still stand like mountains (well some of us may be more hills than mountains at this stage). We are resilient, strong in the face of adversity, and able to bounce back from almost anything. This fact should make you bold, courageous even, for if we can withstand the storms, we are tough enough to put our minds to all manner of goals and adventures.

I don’t know about you but I’m in awe of humanity. We’ve been through harsh times and here we still are…that’s to be celebrated. Be proud of yourself for standing tall, for getting through, and use the knowledge of what you can achieve to give you confidence in your future endeavours.

Take care and be kind to each other

Janine x

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