

When we realise how connected we all are – perhaps then as a society, we’ll make different choices and decisions. Peace and collaboration is the only way to make our world a better place. We stand united with you all. ‘Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved […]


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Love ‘To those who have given up on love, I say, trust life a little bit.’ (Maya Angelou) May love and connection show up in your lives in all sorts of ways. Love for each other, friends, family, your work, your community and humanity in general. Love & hugs Janine xx


Light and Love

My fellow humans ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that.’ (Martin Luther King Jr.) Take care and be kind to each other Janine

red heart trees

The Power of Love

‘When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.’ (Jimi Hendrix) Hi everyone Today, one can only weep at the sight of people digging inside themselves to cultivate darkness. Sadly, actions borne of bitterness and despair never changed the world. Humanity needs more understanding and tolerance. Everyone has an […]

Footprints on beach Kaikoura
Personal Stories

Shake, rattle and roll

Hi everyone Travelling through the South Island, on my first trip to NZ, I remember driving for long periods of time without seeing another person. I had a strange feeling that perhaps there’d been a mass evacuation and I didn’t get the call! Hello, hello…is there any reception here….is this phone working? Seriously though, the […]