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Ideas at the heart of the Integro mission
This is what Janine Says:
Over the course of my career, I have read many books on motivation and personal development, watched hours of videos, and listened to numerous experts. One of the things that struck me early on was that, as helpful as many of these resources are, they often have a negative effect on the people trying to use them to grow. Instead of motivating people, they can make them feel inadequate because it all seems too hard. Individuals might measure their own lives against the experiences of these people and feel they come up short.
I also realised that many motivational speakers can inspire and uplift you, and that’s great, but how long do you feel like this? You are positive and full of enthusiasm for a day … and then obstacles arise, as they always do.
There is no doubt that it is important to understand how to regulate our emotional state, but there is more to this story. Instead of receiving a short-term boost of motivation, it’s more important to learn practical life skills to improve our overall sense of wellbeing for the long-term.
As noted elsewhere, success means different things to different people and having one limiting definition of success doesn’t make sense. At Integro, our mission is to help you open the door to YOUR potential. To help you become the best that you can be and discover what success means for you.
This is not to say that it is wrong to want the better things in life – absolutely not! You deserve to reward yourself for your achievements and your hard work. Material success can be positive and affirming, but it doesn’t mean that you have a meaningful life. You need balance in all areas of your life to be truly successful.
We are passionate about helping you develop the skills and knowledge to support you on your life and career journey. We aim to be the first port of call when individuals and organisations want to expand their horizons or learn how to go to the next level. The fact is that you are engaged in learning from the moment you are born until you die. Thriving in this complex world involves learning to be flexible and adaptable and being open to new ideas and ways of doing things.
Our goal is to provide our clients with quality personal and professional development products and services. At the same time, we promise to conduct ourselves in an ethical manner through honest and fair business practices and we commit to engaging in Social Responsibility projects in order to uplift our communities.
We encourage everyone to:
- be open to new ideas
- think critically
- question intelligently
- practice tolerance
- be kind to others.
Finally, at Integro we believe that in order to be truly successful as a human being, it’s important to help others maximise their potential as well! Something to think about.
This is what Janine Says:
Over the course of my career, I have read many books on motivation and personal development, watched hours of videos, and listened to numerous experts. One of the things that struck me early on was that, as helpful as many of these resources are, they often have a negative effect on the people trying to use them to grow. Instead of motivating people, they can make them feel inadequate because it all seems too hard. Individuals might measure their own lives against the experiences of these people and feel they come up short.
I also realised that many motivational speakers can inspire and uplift you, and that’s great, but how long do you feel like this? You are positive and full of enthusiasm for a day … and then obstacles arise, as they always do.
There is no doubt that it is important to understand how to regulate our emotional state, but there is more to this story. Instead of receiving a short-term boost of motivation, it’s more important to learn practical life skills to improve our overall sense of wellbeing for the long-term.
As noted elsewhere, success means different things to different people and having one limiting definition of success doesn’t make sense. At Integro, our mission is to help you open the door to YOUR potential. To help you become the best that you can be and discover what success means for you.
This is not to say that it is wrong to want the better things in life – absolutely not! You deserve to reward yourself for your achievements and your hard work. Material success can be positive and affirming, but it doesn’t mean that you have a meaningful life. You need balance in all areas of your life to be truly successful.
We are passionate about helping you develop the skills and knowledge to support you on your life and career journey. We aim to be the first port of call when individuals and organisations want to expand their horizons or learn how to go to the next level. The fact is that you are engaged in learning from the moment you are born until you die. Thriving in this complex world involves learning to be flexible and adaptable and being open to new ideas and ways of doing things.
Our goal is to provide our clients with quality personal and professional development products and services. At the same time, we promise to conduct ourselves in an ethical manner through honest and fair business practices and we commit to engaging in Social Responsibility projects in order to uplift our communities.
We encourage everyone to:
• be open to new ideas
• think critically
• question intelligently
• practice tolerance
• be kind to others.
Finally, at Integro we believe that in order to be truly successful as a human being, it’s important to help others maximise their potential as well! Something to think about.